17 November 2010


Apa itu anjing?
Suaranya keras, menggonggong, kadang sering salah tempat.
Karenanya, kau perlu menjadi majikan, lebih superior, agar anjing bisa setia dan patuh.
Kau harus mengikat tali kekang di leher anjing.
Kunci dalam memelihara anjing: harus lebih berkuasa dari anjing.
Dan jika kau gagal menjadi majikan, anjing akan selalu galak, tidak sopan, tidak berhenti menggonggong, dan tidak mendengar.
Jangan menjadi anjing.

16 November 2010


I was a debater when I was a senior-high school student (2004-2007). Together with Betara Nik and Anggi Yonarita, we were so enthusiast in debating and on that time we got trophy as the first winner of province-level competition. There was so much fun. Out of us three, only Betara continue debating.
This writing, first draft is made on last March and revised thereafter, is one of the lesson I got from debate.
The point in debate competion is listening to your oppenents argument and then understanding their idea and what they’re trying to say. Contrary to the concept of communication which is a two-way process of sharing information and influencing other side reciprocally, in debate competion stage, you listen and understand to gain more strength to your stance and find every possible way to beat your opponents argument.
I’ve been in this debating world for almost two years. 
Pengalaman ini mengajarkan saya bahwa tidak hanya ada satu cara untuk melihat satu masalah, ada dua bahkan lebih cara untuk memahami satu masalah yang sama. 
Tapi kembali ke esensi dari tiap kompetisi debat, dimana masing-masing pihak berusaha untuk menguatkan posisi masing-masing. It doesn’t matter how true, how comprehensive your opponents arguments, or haw valid their fact is, in debating you have to prove that yours is the right one. Even, if you face an end-point, that your arguments is less comprehensive, the one is wrong is still the opponent.
Saya tidak berusaha untuk mengatakan bahwa "there's no good in debating." Debat disini saya ambil sebagai contoh komunikasi yang kurang tepat, yang bikin kita jadi ‘unreachable’.
Karena yang utama dalam komunikasi adalah mendengar dan memahami, tidak usah mikir kemana-mana akan memberi respon apa. Intinya denger, pahami. Beda kejadian dengan debat, kita mendengar dan memahami lawan bicara, dan menutup pintu untuk saling mempengaruhi.
Sebaliknya, konsep melihat-dari-berbagai-sisi pada debat adalah cara berpikir yang bagus. Dalam persiapan sebelum penentuan posisi pro atau kontra, ada case building. Mosi debat dikupas baik dan buruknya, bahwa tidak hanya satu cara untuk melihat satu masalah, tidak hitam-putih. Seperti salah satu line dari Onrop! Musikal, "banyak informasi pikiran terbuka."

Bagaimana? Apakah ada yang mau didebat dari tulisan ini?

Delapan Jam Terakhir

This one is written on June 24th, 2009. Over one year ago.
It was in middle of the night. I was in last hour of preparation for the upcoming oral test which would determined 50% of the GPA.
The test is called Student Oral Case Analysis, abbreviated as SOCA.
In short, you'll get one medical case, and present the case in front of two faculty member. The duration of presentation is only 20 minutes but it's been such-pain-in-the-ass-that-you-can-live-a-day-without-SOCA- preparation for months preceded. The case itself is one out of thirty case learned in the whole year. It means you have to be ready for those THIRTY since the case to be presented is drawn randomly right before the test.
At that time, I was prepared only for several case (around ten cases) and hoped The Law of Attraction would apply.

Delapan jam lagi, saya akan berada menghadapinya. Saya ingin dapat kasus Diabetes Mellitus.
I want to present Diabetes Mellitus case. I want it.
What kind of feeling do I have? What kind of feeling is it?
Inilah saat pembuktian dari delapan bulan masa masa tahun kedua ini. Tiga puluh menit persiapan dan dua puluh menit penampilan akan sangat menentukan nilai di tahun kedua ini.
Semoga besok berjalan lancar.

PS. It turned out that Diabetes Mellitus is not for me. I got an obstetrics case which I wasn't prepared for and my GPA, as well as my life, turned upside-down.
PSS. The test was on my birthday. What a birthday gift.